As the chill sets in and we stop leaving the house without a rain jacket (or just stop leaving the house all together), Thanksgiving is just around the corner. You may be already be having nightmares about the amount of dishes the festivities will generate, but it’s also a time for reflection and acknowledgement of good things in our lives. With this, comes the time honored tradition of a Thank You note. According to Harvard, gratitude has been associated with increased optimism, stress reduction and a better night’s sleep. So, before you resort to counting sheep to fend off holiday-induced stress, try writing your Aunt Ruth and note about that birthday money she sent you.
Pike Street Press designs and crafts unique letterpress Thank You cards that are sure to convey your gratitude in an timeless fashion. Since the cards are blank on the inside, you will need to think of something to write in them. Here are some ideas for unconventional ways to say thank you:
“You have my sincere gratitude…”
Simple and eloquent, this goes much farther than texting, “Thanks ☺” and it’s appropriate for anyone from your estranged relatives, to your closest friends. Pair it with a simple card to enhance the sincerity, or a funny card to send a balanced message of gratitude and humor.
“I am forever appreciative…”
To paraphrase Robin Williams playing John Keating in Dead Poets Society, avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very thankful, he is delighted. Don’t use very grateful, use appreciative. Bust out that Thesaurus and get working on those synonyms to show someone you truly care.
“How can I repay you?”
Maybe this person has done a little more than their obligatory share, and you want to show them it meant something. In addition to a hand crafted note, you could simply ask how best you can return the favor. Often, a small thing that’s exactly what they want is better than a grandiose statement of thanks.